Abrasive Materials

Steel Grit

Item Code : SG
  • Composition:
    • Steel grit is made from crushed steel media, often obtained by crushing steel shot. It has a more angular shape compared to steel shot.


  • Steel grit has a more angular and rough-edged shape. The angular particles provide aggressive cutting and etching action, making it suitable for applications where a rough surface profile is desired, such as in preparation for coatings or adhesives.
  • Hardness:
    • Steel grit is typically harder than steel shot. The angular shape and hardness of steel grit contribute to its ability to remove tougher coatings and achieve a coarser surface profile.
  • Applications:
    • Steel grit is preferred for applications that require more aggressive surface cleaning and preparation, such as removing rust, scale, old coatings, and corrosion. It is commonly used in industries like shipbuilding, construction, and foundries.
  • Surface Profile:
    • Steel grit generates a rougher surface profile due to its angular particles, which is advantageous for coatings to adhere better and provide improved mechanical bonding.


Sandblasting Angular Grain Steel Grit G14 G16 G18 G20 G40 G50 G80 G120

Product Application:
Blast cleaning: Used for blast cleaning of casting, die-casting, forging; sand removal of casting, steel plate, H type steel,
steel structure.

Rust removal: Rust removal of casting, forging, steel plate, H type steel, steel structure.

Shot peening: Shot peening of gear, heat treated parts.

Shot blasting: Shot blasting of profile steel, ship board, steel board, steel material,steel structure.

Pre-treatment: Pre-treatment of surface, steel board, profile steel, steel structure before painting or coating.

Chemical Composition












GP:42-52HRC ;  GL:53-60HRC; GH:60-64HRC