Abrasive Materials

Steel Shot

Item Code : ST

Steel Shot Series


  • Steel Shot: Steel shot is made from high-quality, hardened, and spherical steel particles. It is typically produced through a process of cutting steel wire into small pellets and then rounding them off through a heat treatment process.


  • Steel Shot: Steel shot has a round and spherical shape. The spherical nature allows it to impact a surface evenly and produce a smoother finish.


  • Steel Shot: Steel shot is available in different hardness levels, ranging from softer to harder options. This allows for various levels of surface cleaning and preparation, depending on the hardness of the shot.


  • Steel Shot: Steel shot is often used for cleaning, peening, and polishing surfaces, where a smoother finish is required. It is commonly used in applications such as shot blasting, shot peening, and cleaning metal parts.

Surface Profile:

  • Steel Shot: Steel shot tends to create a smoother surface profile, making it suitable for applications where a fine or even surface finish is desired.